In the event of any emergency in which a main, conduit or utility in or under any street breaks, bursts or otherwise is in such condition as to immediately endanger the property, life, health or safety of any individual, the person owning or controlling such main, conduit or utility, without first applying for and obtaining a right-of-way permit hereunder, shall immediately take proper emergency measures to cure or remedy the dangerous conditions for the protection of property, life, health and safety of individuals. The applicant shall notify the Town as soon as possible of the event. Within two business days after the occurrence of the emergency, the applicant shall apply for the necessary permits, pay the fees associated therewith, and fulfill the rest of the requirements necessary to bring itself into compliance with the permit requirements for the actions it took in response to the emergency. If a utility is damaged and repaired within the excavation made by the primary permit holder, an additional permit is not required; however, notification to the Town is still required. (Ord. 2022-08, passed 6-15-2022)