Each of the following conditions described shall constitute a public nuisance. The various nuisances described and enumerated in this section shall not be deemed to be exclusive but shall be in addition to all other nuisances described and prohibited by this code.
   (A)   Derelict, junked, etcetera, vehicles: unlicensed, derelict, or junk vehicles and parts or remains thereof parked upon private property, public property, public streets, alleys, easements, rights of way or other ways are declared to be nuisances. The presence of an unlicensed vehicle, wrecked, dismantled, derelict or inoperative vehicle, on private or public property, is declared to constitute a public nuisance that may be abated as such in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. The tearing down, stripping or junking of such vehicles shall be permitted only where and when such use is specifically authorized, permitted or licensed under other ordinances of the town and in strict accordance therewith; or which use is conducted entirely within the confines of an accessory garage building, then only provided that such vehicle is the property of the owner or occupier of the lot and that such use is not a commercial use of the property, unless such use is authorized by other ordinances of the town.
      (1)   Derelict Vehicles: A vehicle, or parts thereof, shall be deemed to be “derelict” if the vehicle is:
         (a)   Partially or wholly dismantled.
         (b)   In a condition that prevents legal operations.
         (c)   Junked or intended to be recycled or scrapped.
      (2)   Definition Of Vehicles: For purposes of this chapter, “vehicles” shall include vehicles, motor vehicles, passenger cars, multipurpose vehicles, utility trailers, motorcycles, pickup trucks, and snowmobiles as defined in either Wyoming Statutes §§ 31-1-101 or 31-5-102, and watercraft as defined in Wyoming Statutes § 41-13-101.
      (3)   Exceptions: The section defining and prohibiting derelict vehicles shall not apply to the following:
         (a)   Vehicles that are enclosed within a secure building.
         (b)   A vehicle which is covered by an intact cover which is securely attached to the vehicle, and which covers the entire vehicle, with the exception of the wheels. Residents shall not have more than one covered vehicle unless out of public view.
   (B)   Junk: refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, tires, electronic equipment or appliance that is not being used for its intended use, or other waste and discarded material of any nature or substance whatsoever or any scrap or salvage materials which are left or permitted to remain upon any real property within the town and castoff or discarded articles and materials ready for destruction, when stored outside of a building are a nuisance and an immediate threat to the health, safety, and welfare.
   (C)   Undeveloped lots: Parking or storage of any vehicle of any type or any watercraft, trailers and the storage of junk, as described in paragraph B above, shall be declared a nuisance, and subject to penalties.
   (D)   Developed Lots: Only personal type vehicles may be parked or stored on developed lots and all such vehicles shall be in compliance with Town ordinances. These personal type vehicles shall be limited to passenger cars, pickup trucks, multipurpose vehicles, snowmobiles, motorhomes, utility trailers, RV trailers and watercraft as defined in Wyoming Statutes §§ 31-1-101, 31-15-102 and 41-13-101. Other vehicles shall be declared a nuisance. No vehicle shall be parked in that portion of the front yard of a residential lot which would normally be landscaped.
(Ord. 2021-17, 10-20-2021; Ord. 2023-12, passed 1-9-2024)