Any property owner desiring a water service connection shall complete and sign the Town's "Water Service Connection" Request Form.
   (A)   General.
      (1)   No Town permit shall be issued for the erection of any structure intended for human use or occupancy which is not served by the Town water supply system meeting all the construction specification, standards and requirements of the Town and approved by the Town.
      (2)   No person or entity shall connect to or obtain water from the Town without first completing and signing the Town's "Water Service Connection" request form and paying the required connection fee as established by Town Council. All connections and installations are subject to inspection and approval by Town personnel.
      (3)   If an existing service line is abandoned and properly capped, and a new service line is established to replace the abandoned service; a permit and fee is still required.
      (4)   For remodeling and building additions, any new water connections shall be made between the structure and water meter.
      (5)   Service lines shall only serve one lot and shall not have additional connections serving any other lot.
      (6)   All yard hydrants and sprinkler systems installed at the option of the landowner shall have a backflow prevention device, approved by the Town, placed between the yard hydrant or sprinkler system and the meter pit.
      (7)   Upon completion of work to install the service, and upon inspection and approval by the Town, the water service line from the main up to and including the meter pit shall be the property of the Town
      (8)   Prior to connecting to the Town's Water Service Line, the entire, new Customer Water Line shall be installed not less than six (6) feet below grade. Depth must be confirmed by a representative of the Town's Water Utility.
   (B)   Permit Application. The permit application shall include the locations of existing utilities and the locations of the proposed water service including the meter pit location.
   (C)   Inspection. All water installations shall be inspected by the Town prior to backfill.
(Ord. 2021-12, passed 8-18-2021; Ord. 2022-03, passed 5-18-2022; Ord. 2022-07, passed 6-15-2022)