(A)   Purpose and intent. This Section establishes residential design standards and design guidelines. They are intended to improve the quality and compatibility of new development in established residential zones of the town.
      (1)   Design standards are required in addition to other requirements set forth in this Title.
      (2)   In approving a project plan, the approving authority may impose reasonable conditions consistent with the purpose and intent of this Section.
   (B)   Applicability. These standards and guidelines deal with open space design and landscaping, building location and orientation, building mass and scale, and building materials. The design standards and guidelines set forth in this Section shall apply to all new residential buildings and uses located in the town. The requirements of this Section shall apply in addition to other applicable requirements of this Title. This Section shall not be interpreted to supersede other requirements of the town which may impose more restrictive requirements than this Section.
   (C)   Open space design and landscaping.
      (1)   Landscaping in the front, back, and sides of a property shall be used to reduce the impact of larger buildings on neighboring properties and to buffer any rear surface parking areas. The town may require submission of a landscape plan for review and approval.
      (2)   Parking shall not be allowed in the front yard setback other than in the driveway.
   (D)   Building location and orientation.
      (1)   The siting of new structures shall consider the privacy of adjoining properties. Street, side, and rear setbacks beyond zoning minimums may need adjustments. A site elevation and/or topographical plan may be required.
      (2)   The primary entry of the building shall be oriented to the street.
         (a)   All structures shall have one primary entry that faces the street.
         (b)   Foundations shall be raised above final grade a minimum of 18 inches.
         (c)   The primary entrance shall be clearly defined by use of a raised porch or other similar entry features oriented to the street.
         (d)   The dimensions of the porch shall be compatible with the scale of the building façade with porch width being no smaller than 20% of the width of the building.
   (E)   Building mass and scale.
      (1)   To minimize perceived building scale, any single family dwelling taller than 15 feet shall have the front face of the building composed of more than one wall plane. Each wall plane shall have a minimum width of 20% of the entire front facing dwelling length.
   (F)   Architectural materials.
      (1)   Architectural materials. The following materials are permitted on visible exterior walls of single-family dwellings within the residential zone:
         (a)   Brick and tile masonry;
         (b)   Stucco (cementitious finish);
         (c)   Native stone (or synthetic equivalent);
         (d)   Pre-cast masonry (for trim and cornice elements only);
         (e)   Gypsum reinforced fiber concrete (for trim elements only);
         (f)   Metal (for beams, lintels, trim elements and ornamentation only); no ribbed metal panel, corrugated metal panel or standing-seam metal panel is allowed for siding.
         (g)   Wood lap siding;
         (h)   Logs (or synthetic equivalent); and
         (i)   Concrete composite siding.
(Ord. 2024-04, passed 5-14-2024)