Single-family dwellings shall meet all of the following dimensional and bulk standards:
   (A)   Lot dimensions.
      (1)    Lot depth (A): 100 feet minimum.
      (2)    Lot width (B): 80 feet minimum except front property line shall be 20 feet minimum on cul-de-sacs and curves.
   (B)   Structure setbacks. Structure or structure parts including, but not limited to, decks, porches and roof overhangs shall not be located any nearer to a property line than:
      (1)    Street setback (C): 30 feet minimum from the front or side property line along a street right-of-way.
      (2)    Side and rear lot line setbacks (D): ten feet minimum from the side or rear property line unless lot adjoins a golf course or common recreational area.
      (3)    Golf course/common recreational area: 30 feet minimum from common property line.
      (4)    Twenty-five feet from the high-water mark of any stream.
      (5)    Thirty feet from any delineated wetland edge
   (C)   Structural dimensions.
      (1)   Primary dwelling height (F): 35 feet maximum.
      (2)   Accessory building height (G): 35 feet maximum.
      (3)   (a)   The minimum footprint for all new dwelling structures shall not be less than 1,200 square feet excluding the building area of any attached garage.
         (b)   Each lot zoned SFR with a residential dwelling must have one attached or detached garage with a minimum of 576 square feet.
         (c)   One accessory building structure of 600 square feet or larger is allowed with an approved building permit. Storage containers are not allowed.
         (d)   Section 154.083, Variance request and appeal procedures, will be utilized if adherence is not possible as a result of existing natural features, to ensure development on all lands.
      (4)   Appurtenances, such as cupolas, chimneys, antennas, above the roof level not intended for human occupancy are permitted but in no event may exceed ten feet in height and take up more than twenty-five percent of the roof area.
   (D)   Coverage.
      (1)   Maximum total building coverage: 30% of the gross lot area.
      (2)   Maximum total impervious surface coverage: 40% of the gross lot area.
   (E)   Off-street parking. Two spaces minimum per primary dwelling.
(Prior Code, § 9.07.030; Ord. 2024-03, passed 4-9-2024)