(A)   Intent. The purpose of the Multiple-Family Residential Zones, hereafter referred to as “MR Zone(s),” is to encourage and allow more creative and imaginative design for land development than is possible under existing regulations. The zones are intended to provide for the more efficient use of the land that will result in a more economical development of land, preservation of natural sites, better amenities and more open space.
   (B)   Permitting procedures. 
      (1)   All land use proposed in MR Zones that require plats, maps and documents shall comply fully with the requirements laid out in these regulations. An MR Zone shall be approved only if the town finds the application meets the purpose and objectives of this section, as well as applicable standards of the town.
      (2)   The sequence of review and approvals are as follows:
         (a)   Pre-application conference with the town;
         (b)   Planning and Zoning Board recommendations; and
         (c)   Town Council review and action.
   (C)   Multiple-Family Residential Zones requirements.
      (1)   Maximum density: four dwelling units per acre.
      (2)   Minimum lot size: MR Zones shall have a minimum of two acres.
      (3)   Development height and square footage: no structure in the proposed development shall exceed 35 feet. The building area footprint for all new individual single story units shall not be less than 900 square feet of the building area excluding the building area of any attached garage. The total living area for all new individual two-story units shall not be less than 1,600 square feet excluding the building area of any attached garage.
   (D)   Other requirements.
      (1)   Written documents.
         (a)   A statement describing the planning objectives to be achieved by the MR Zone through the particular proposed applicant. The statement should include a description of the character of the proposed development and the rationale behind the assumptions and choices made by the developer;
         (b)   A statement of how the MR Zones will be financed and the reasoning by which the feasibility of the MR Zones has been determined;
         (c)   A statement describing the various phases of development and management of the common open space and or facilities during the initial phase and following the completion of each phase of the development;
         (d)   A development schedule indicating the approximate date and duration of construction of each phase; and
         (e)   Size of the parcel, total number and type of dwelling units, proposed lot coverage, gross net residential densities, total open space, usable open space, type and amount of non-residential construction and other studies as required by the town.
      (2)   Services. Both centralized septic/sewer and water systems shall serve the proposed development. A permit certifying all county, state and federal standards for septic/sewer requirements have been met. Also see § 152.04, Septic/sewer requirements.
      (3)   Open space requirements. See § 152.18.
         (a)   Landscaping plan. A detailed landscape plan showing the natural open space, if any, which will remain upon completion of the development, all existing trees and precise boundaries of additional landscaping. The landscape plan must include the following:
            1.   Species;
            2.   Container sizes and dimensions;
            3.   Location of all trees, shrubs and ground cover;
            4.   Paving material;
            5.   Street furniture;
            6.   Fencing material; and
            7.   Evidence of an irrigation system.
         (b)   Site plan. A site plan shall include all basic mapping elements including the following:
            1.   Drainage. Adequate facilities for drainage of surface water;
            2.   Ingress and egress. Adequate facilities for safe and convenient circulation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, including walks, driveways, off-street parking areas, off street loading areas and landscape separations between pedestrian and vehicular ways;
            3.   Play area. Residential and commercial developments shall provide adequate and safely locate play area for children;
            4.   Protection of existing land uses. The development shall make adequate provisions to screen and protect the surrounding land uses from parking illumination, headlights, fumes, heat, noise, blowing papers, and dust and the visual encroachment of the surrounding land uses; and
            5.   Formation of an incorporate non-profit town-approved state legal entity. When the Incorporate Non-Profit Association is a part of the MR Zone the developer shall:
               a.   Create an incorporated non-profit town-approved state legal entity, which assures exterior maintenance of each unit and the common area. The applicants shall submit a management plan that establishes:
               i.   Insurance for each unit;
                  ii.   Common area insurance and maintenance;
                  iii.   Roof replacement schedule and roof repair;
                  iv.   Exterior painting schedule;
                  v.   Provisions for ongoing maintenance and for long-term capital improvements; and
                  vi.   Means by which such funding will be obtained or provided.
               b.    Record covenants that automatically make every lot owner a member, give him or her the right to use the common property and establish his or her voting rights in the town-approved Homeowners Association (HOA) or an equivalent legal entity and his or her obligation to pay assessments.
         (c)   Elevations. Typical elevations showing all four sides of any structure proposed in the in the plan. The elevations should be of sufficient detail to show building heights, materials, colors, textures and general design. For commercial projects, conceptual sign plans showing type of sign, size and location must be included.
         (d)   Floor plans. Floor plans for all buildings shall be submitted indicating the types of residential and commercial structures proposed.
Multiple-Family Residential Zones MR-1 AND MR-2
4 units per acre (max)
2-acre minimum
Central water and septic/sewer
Legal Description
Planning Objective
Financial Statement
Development Makeup
Density Proposal
Development Schedule
All MR Zones will:
Go through the subdivision review process (DEQ, NRCS, etc).
(Prior Code, § 14.02B) (Ord. 2018-10, passed 8-8-2018; Ord. 2021-19, passed 12-15-2021)