(A)   All new streets and roads shall be paved and shall be constructed and designed to meet or exceed town standard drawings and engineering specifications approved by the Town Engineer.
   (B)   Intersection design standards.
      (1)   Three-way intersections are encouraged. In no event shall an intersection greater than four ways be approved.
      (2)   Angle of intersection.
         (a)   Streets shall be laid out to intersect as nearly possible at right angles and no street shall intersect any other street at an angle of less than 85 degrees.
         (b)   Streets shall remain at such an angle of intersections for at least 100 feet beyond the intersection.
      (3)   Intersection offset shall be as follows:
Minimum Centerline Offset of Adjacent Intersection
Connection Type
Local Streets
Collector Street
Arterial Road
Local Street to
400 feet
400 feet
1,320 feet
Collector Street to
400 feet
1,320 feet
Arterial Road to
2,640 feet
(Prior Code, § 14.02.120) (Ord. 2018-10, passed 8-8-2018)