§ 152.07 SNOW STORAGE.
   (A)   Each subdivision shall contain adequate snow storage areas to accommodate snow removed from on-street or off-street parking areas, or the removal of snow from elsewhere on the subdivision property.
   (B)   Snow storage standards:
      (1)   If an off-site snow repository is not used, an adequate on-site snow storage area shall be provided within the subdivision property;
      (2)   The size of the storage area shall be determined in the following manner: Minimum snow storage areas shall represent 2.5% of the total area dedicated for on-street and off-street parking; and
      (3)   Adequate drainage of the snow storage area shall be provided to accommodate snowmelt. No snowmelt shall drain onto adjacent land areas.
   (C)   Open space and landscaped areas within the subdivision may be used to accommodate required snow storage area.
(Prior Code, § 14.02.060) (Ord. 2018-10, passed 8-8-2018)