§ 150.038 REFUNDS.
   (A)   Not more than 80% of the paid construction permit fee shall be refunded when no work was begun under a permit issued in accordance with this title. Refunds or partial refunds of permit fees will normally not be made after construction has started. For refunds to be considered, the property owner must make a written request to the Planning and Zoning Board. The written request for a refund of permit fees must include the reason for the request and what has been done to restore the site to its original condition and assure that no unsafe conditions exist. After work has begun under an issued permit, permit fees may be partially refunded on new garages or similar structures or on new single-family residences only. Up to 50% of the permit fee may be refunded after a footing inspection and up to 30% of the permit fee may be refunded after a foundation inspection. No permit fees will be refunded after a four-way inspection.
   (B)   The Town Planning and Zoning Board will determine the amount of the refund. Parties who desire to appeal the Planning and Zoning Board’s decision of the refund amount may appeal to the Town Council. Appeals to the Town Council must be in writing and received by the town within ten days of the Planning and Zoning Board’s decision. Appeal shall be held at regularly scheduled Town Council meeting.
(Prior Code, § 6.02.030)