(a) The Recorder shall, in the absence of the Mayor from the Town or in the event of sickness or inability to serve as Mayor, or during any vacancy in the office of Mayor, perform all the duties of the Mayor and be invested with all lawful executive powers of the Mayor. If the Recorder certifies to Council that she/he is unable to perform these duties, Council shall, by public vote, appoint from its members an Acting Mayor, who shall perform all the duties of the Mayor and be invested with all lawful executive powers of the Mayor.
(b) The Recorder of the Town shall keep a journal of the proceedings of Council and keep the same fully indexed and open to the inspection of any taxpayer of the Town at any time it is not in actual use by him. In such journal shall be kept an accurate minute of every action taken by the Council at any regular or special meeting thereof, upon any matter whatsoever.
(c) The Recorder’s signature, in the absence of the Mayor’s signature, shall be authorized and accepted on any and all financial documents and dealings of the Town.
(Passed 7-18-23)