The height limitations of this chapter shall be applied as follows:
(a) A cellar or basement, when designed for occupancy as a dwelling, unless two-thirds of its height be below curb level, shall be counted as a story; when otherwise designed and used, it shall not be counted as a story.
(b) On a corner lot having two or more frontages, the height shall be taken from a level midway in elevation between the highest curb level and the lowest curb level; this height limitation shall apply upon such lot not farther than to the center line of the block, beyond which any portion of the same lot shall have a height limitation similar to that applying upon the property next adjacent thereto.
(c) On a through lot, the height limit, including all exceptions thereto, beginning at either frontage, shall apply to a depth not exceeding one-half the depth of the lot.
(d) On an interior lot, the height limit, including all exceptions thereto, shall apply to a depth equal to one-half the depth of the block as measured from frontage to frontage on a line projected through the center of the lot in question. Any rear portion of such lot beyond the center line of the block shall have a height limit similar to that applying upon the lot immediately abutting in the rear thereof.
(Passed 6-17-57; 8-8-78.)