In any district, the maximum height of buildings, minimum lot size, minimum lot width, minimum front yard, minimum side yard, minimum rear yard, minimum ground floor area (living space), maximum lot coverage, minimum number of parking spaces and other related requirements shall be as shown on the following schedule:
Minimum Lot Size, sq. ft. per dwelling | Single Double | 7,200 - |
Multiple Dwelling: | Dormitory Efficiency One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three + Bedroom | - - - - - |
Minimum Lot Width, in Feet: | Single Double Multiple | 72 - - |
Maximum Building Height, in Feet: | Single Double Multiple | 35 - - |
Minimum Front Yard, in Feet: | Single Double Multiple | 25 - - |
Minimum Side Yard, in Feet: | Single Double Multiple | 10 - - |
Minimum Rear Yard, in Feet | Single Double Multiple | 25 - - |
Minimum, Ground Floor Area (Living Space), in Feet: | Single Double Multiple | 960 - - |
Minimum Lot Size, sq. ft. per Dwelling | Single Double | 6,000 3,000 |
Multiple Dwelling: | Dormitory Efficiency One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three + Bedroom | 195 700 1,050 1,400 1,800 |
Minimum Lot Width, in Feet | Single Double Multiple | 60 60 60 |
Maximum Building Height, in Feet: | Single Double Multiple | 35 35 35 |
Minimum Front Yard, in Feet: | Single Double Multiple | 25 25 25 |
Minimum Side Yard, in Feet: | Single Double Multiple | 5 5 5 |
Minimum Rear Yard, in Feet: | Single Double Multiple | 15, NOTE 3 15, NOTE 3 15, NOTE 3 |
Minimum Ground Floor Area (Living Space), in Feet | Single Double Multiple | 960 960 960+400, NOTE 4 |
Minimum Lot Size, sq. ft. Per Dwelling | Single Double | 5,000 2,500 |
Multiple Dwelling: | Dormitory Efficiency One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three + Bedroom | 120 500 800 900 1,100 |
Minimum Lot Width, in Feet: | Single Double Multiple | 40 40 40, NOTE 1 |
Maximum Building Height, in Feet: | Single Double Multiple | 35 35 100 |
Minimum Front Yard, in Feet: | Single Double Multiple | 15 15 15 |
Minimum Side Yard, in Feet: | Single Double Multiple | 5 5 5 |
Minimum Rear Yard, in Feet: | Single Double Multiple | 15 15 15 |
Minimum Ground Floor Area (Living Space), in Feet: | Single Double Multiple | 972 972 972 + 400, NOTE 4 |
The sale, conveyance, transfer, or subdivision of property whereby such action(s) would cause the Lot Size, to fall below the Minimum Lot Size indicated above, is expressly prohibited.
note 1: When building a multiple dwelling in a retail business district, the specifications and requirements of "B" residence shall govern where applicable.
note 2: If the rear yard opens into an alley, no portion of the alley shall be used in computing the fifteen feet, as permitted in subsection 1321.07(b).
note 3: In addition to the minimum square feet, neither the length nor the width of the structure shall be less than eighteen feet.
note 4: Additional ground floor area per dwelling unit.
For any Building meeting the lot sq.ft. requirements, whether by having the proper lot size or by obtaining a variance, the size of that lot or lots must be held as part of that building and portions of that lot or lots may NOT be sold to adjoining lots for the purpose of obtaining proper lot sq.ft. requirements to build on any adjoining lot or lots.
Parking spaces:
Parking in an "A" Residence District must be on-site.
Regarding multiple dwellings, in any eligible district, with the exception of independent living facilities, there shall be provided two paved and marked off-street parking spaces for each unit in such dwelling. Regarding independent living facilities, there shall be provided one paved and marked off-street parking space for each unit in such dwelling. These parking spaces shall be eight feet by twenty feet and shall be able to be fully utilized. There shall also be provided at least one off-street parking space for single family dwellings in any eligible district. It shall further be the obligation of the landlord and/or owner of such dwelling to inform the occupants of the availability of these parking spaces and advise the occupants to use same. This obligation shall be performed by a specific clause in any lease agreement or other means approved by the Mayor and Council. (Passed 10-3-23.)
Maximum Building Height, in Feet: | 100 |
Minimum Front Yard, in Feet: | 15, NOTE 5 |
Minimum Side Yard, in Feet: | 5 |
Minimum Rear Yard, in Feet: | 15, NOTE 5 |
Maximum Lot Coverage in % of Lot: | 90 |
Maximum Building Height, in Feet: | 100, NOTE 6 |
Minimum Front Yard, in Feet: | 5 |
Minimum Side Yard, in Feet: | 5 |
Minimum Rear Yard, in Feet: | 5 |
Maximum Lot Coverage in % of Lot | 90, NOTE 7 |
note 5: The minimum yard requirement may be entirely waived when not adjoining a residential district ("A" residence or "B" residence).
note 6: The minimum distance between the first or ground floor and the second floor of any newly constructed structure in the Riverfront Overlay District shall be ten (10) feet.
note 7: 20% of lot area must be green space.
Parking spaces: Regarding businesses, there shall be provided spaces of an eight foot by twenty-foot dimension, capable of being fully utilized, based on the following uses and specifications:
Motel and hotel: one parking space for each sleeping unit.
Business of a retail or service nature: one parking space for each one hundred and twenty-five square feet of floor space.
Business of a professional nature: one parking space for each five hundred square feet of floor space.
In addition to the above specifications:
(1) There shall also be provided one parking space for each three employees employed on the premises.
(2) Parking for any specific business or residence in a B, Retail, or Overlay District may not be more than 300 feet from the specific business or residence.
The use of any business shall be determined by the Mayor and Council as otherwise provided in this chapter. (Passed 5-17-22)