The Common Council of the Town of Star City, West Virginia makes the following findings:
   (a)    The State of West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection has required the Town of Star City to procure a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Water Pollution Control Permit (NPDES) for Stormwater Discharges from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer systems (MS4). The Town of Star City currently operates Under WV/NPDES Permit WV0116025, Effective date August 11, 2014, Expiration Date: August 11, 2019.
Maintaining the MS4 permitting, procedures, inspections, record keeping, mapping, enforcement and the storm water sewer system is placing a burden on the finances of the Town. The Town must have adequate and stable funding for the MS4 program and capital investments needs.
   (b)    The Common Council finds, concludes and determines that the imposition of Storm Water Fees provides the most practical and appropriate means of properly delivering and funding storm water management services in Star City.
      (Passed 10-11-16.)