(a)   The Town drainage system consists of all rivers, streams, creeks, branches, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, drainage ways, channels, ditches, swales, storm sewers, culverts, inlets, catch basins, pipes, head walls and other structures, natural or man-made, within the political boundaries of the Town of Star City which control and/or convey stormwater through which the Town intentionally diverts surface waters from its public streets and properties. The Town owns or has legal access for purposes of operation, maintenance and improvements to those segments of this system which (1) are located within public streets, rights-of-way, and easements; (2) are subject to easements, rights-of-entry, rights-of-access, rights-of-use, or other permanent provisions for adequate access for operation, maintenance, and/or improvement of systems and facilities; or (3) are located on public lands to which the Town has adequate access for operation, maintenance, and/or improvement of systems and facilities. Operation and maintenance of stormwater systems and facilities which are located on private property or public property not owned by the Town of Star City and for which there has been no public dedication of such systems and facilities for operation, maintenance, and/or improvement of the systems and facilities shall be and remain the legal responsibility of the property owner, except as that responsibility may be otherwise affected by the laws of the State of West Virginia and the United States of America.
   (b)   It is the intent of this article to protect the public health, safety and general welfare of all properties and persons in general, but not to create any special duty or relationship with any individual person or to any specified property within or without the boundaries of the Town of Star City. The Town of Star City expressly reserves the right to assert all available immunities and defenses in any action seeking to impose monetary damages upon the Town, its officers, employees and agents arising out of any alleged failure or breach of duty or relationship as may now exist or hereafter be created. To the extent any permit, plan approval, inspection or similar act is required by the Town as a condition precedent to any activity by or upon property not owned by the Town, pursuant to this or any other regulatory ordinance, regulation or rule of the Town or under Federal or State law, the issuance of such permit, plan approval, or inspection shall not be deemed to constitute a warranty, express or implied, nor shall afford the basis for any action, including any action based on failure to permit or negligent issuance of a permit, seeking the imposition of money damages against the Town, its officers, employees or agents.
(Passed 3-30-04.)