933.02 FUNDING.
   (a)   The Common Council shall, at the earliest possible date, submit to the voters of the Town of Star City, the question of an additional levy. Upon approval by at least sixty percent (60%) of said voters, there shall be imposed an additional levy for a period not to exceed five (5) years. Council, prior to the expiration of the term of aforementioned levy, may re-submit to the voters the questions of continuing said levy. The rate of said levy(s) per $100.00 of valuation, if approved, shall not exceed 6.25¢ for Class I property; 12.5¢ for Class II property; and 25¢ for Class IV property.
   (b)   The Town Treasurer shall establish a stormwater fund in the Town budget and accounting system for the purpose of dedicating and protecting all funding applicable to the purposes and responsibilities of stormwater management, including but not limited to rentals, rates, charges, fees, and licenses as may be established by the Common Council. Any revenues and receipts of the stormwater program shall be placed in the Stormwater Fund and all expenses shall be paid from the Stormwater Fund, except that other revenues, receipts, and resources not accounted for in said Fund may be applied to stormwater management operations and capital investments as deemed appropriate by the Common Council, upon recommendation of the Treasurer.
   (c)   The Common Council hereby transfers to the Public Works Department, operational control over the existing stormwater management systems and facilities owned and heretofore operated by the Town and other related assets, including but not limited to properties upon which such facilities are located, easements, rights-of-entry and access, and certain equipment.
(Passed 3-30-04.)