   Customer water bills based upon metered water consumption may be adjusted in accordance with this section when the bill for water service reflects unusual usage which can be attributed to a qualified water leak on the Customer's side of the point of water service.
   (a)   Water customers are eligible for only one (1) leak adjustment in a twelve (12) consecutive month period. Each new leak adjustment period shall begin on the first meter reading date following the period upon which the most recent leak adjustment was based.
   (b)   For a customer to qualify for a leak adjustment, the leak must occur on the water service line running from the water meter to the served structure or on internal, concealed structural plumbing. Leaking commodes, dripping faucets, malfunctioning appliances, leaking garden hoses and similar situations of readily identifiable water leaks will not constitute leaks which entitle the Customer to a leak adjustment recalculated bill.
   (c)   The Utility must be notified by the Customer as soon as possible that the leak has occurred and that an adjustment is desired. A written request for adjustment including documentation (described below), must be received by the Utility within thirty (30) calendar days following discovery and correction of the leak. Failure to do so will forfeit the Customer's right to a leak adjustment.
   (d)   The burden of proof that the leak occurred and is eligible for adjustment rests solely with the Customer. The Utility is under no obligation to verify leak adjustment requests. The types of leak documentation which will be accepted include detailed photographs of the leak, copies of plumber's invoice for repairing the leak, etc. All such documentation shall remain the property of the Utility.
   (e)   Should a leak be deemed by the Utility to be eligible for adjustment, the Customer's bill will be adjusted as follows:
      (1)   The Customer will be charged the current tariff rate for the amount of average historical usage of the preceding twelve (12) months, or the average usage of the actual period of service if less than twelve (12) months. If the leak occurs in the first month of service for the Customer, the Utility may use the average historical usage of the same total customer class of service on the utility; and,
      (2)   The Customer will be charged for usage in excess of the average historical usage at the incremental leak adjustment rate authorized by the Utility tariff in effect at the time of the leak. If there is no incremental leak adjustment rate defined in the tariff, the Utility shall charge the Commission's current estimate of "typical incremental" cost per thousand gallons of water for excess usage above the historic usage.
         A.   Effective July 1, 2022. Five dollars and eighty-two cents ($5.82) per one-thousand gallons.
         B.   Effective July 1, 2023. Five dollars and ninety-nine cents ($5.99) per one-thousand gallons.
         C.   Effective July 1, 2024. Six dollars and seventeen cents ($6.17) per one-thousand gallons
         D.   Effective July 1, 2025. Six dollars and thirty-six cents ($6.36) per one-thousand gallons.
   (f)   The Utility shall advise a Customer requesting a leak adjustment under this section that a dispute regarding leak adjustments may be taken to the Public Service Commission of West Virginia in the form of an informal or formal complaint.
      (Passed 5-16-23)