929.02 CHARGES.
   Generally. The monthly charges to users of the Town water system shall be based on the amount of water metered and shall be as follows:
   (a)   Schedule No.1. Effective July 1, 2022, general, domestic, commercial, and industrial service where water is supplied through meters five-eighths inch or larger in size:
         First 50,000 gallons: $8.84 per 1,000 gallons or portion thereof.
         Over 50,000 gallons: $6.05 per 1,000 gallons or portion thereof.
   (b)   Minimum Amounts. The minimum monthly charges to users of the Town water system shall be as follows:
                              Equivalent Gallons
      5/8-inch meter         $17.68 per month      2,000
      3/4-inch meter         $26.52 per month      3,000
      1-inch meter         $44.20 per month      5,000
      1 1/2-inch meter      $88.40 per month      10,000
      2-inch meter         $141.44 per month      16,000
      3-inch meter         $265.20 per month      30,000
      4-inch meter         $442.00 per month      50,000
      6-inch meter         $884.86 per month      123,200
      8-inch meter         $1,414.84 per month      210,800
   (c)   Schedule No. 2. Effective July 1, 2023, general, domestic, commercial, and industrial service where water is supplied through meters five-eighths inch or larger in size:
      First 50,000 gallons: $9.11 per 1,000 gallons or portion thereof.
      Over 50,000 gallons: $6.23 per 1,000 gallons or portion thereof.
   (d)   Minimum Amounts. The minimum monthly charges to users of the Town water system shall be as follows:
                              Equivalent Gallons
      5/8-inch meter         $18.22 per month       2,000 (minimum)
      3/4-inch meter         $27.33 per month      3,000
      1-inch meter         $45.55 per month      5,000
      1 1/2-inch meter      $91.10 per month      10,000
      2-inch meter         $145.76 per month      16,000
      3-inch meter         $273.30 per month      30,000
      4-inch meter         $455.50 per month      50,000
      6-inch meter         $911.54 per month      123,200
      8-inch meter         $1,457.28 per month      210,800
   (e)   Schedule No. 3. Effective July 1, 2024, general, domestic, commercial, and industrial service where water is supplied through meters five-eighths inch or larger in size:
      First 50,000 gallons: $9.38 per 1,000 gallons or portion thereof.
      Over 50,000 gallons: $6.42 per 1,000 gallons or portion thereof.
   (f)   Minimum Amounts. The minimum monthly charges to users of the Town water system shall be as follows:
                              Equivalent Gallons
      5/8-inch meter         $18.76 per month      2,000 (minimum)
      3/4-inch meter         $28.14 per month      3,000
      1-inch meter         $46.90 per month      5,000
      1 1/2-inch meter      $93.80 per month      10,000
      2-inch meter         $150.08 per month      16,000
      3-inch meter         $281.40 per month      30,000
      4-inch meter         $469.00 per month      50,000
      6-inch meter         $938.94 per month      123,200
      8-inch meter         $1,501.34 per month      210,800
   (g)   Schedule No. 4. Effective July 1, 2025, general, domestic, commercial, and industrial service where water is supplied through meters five-eighths inch or larger in size:
      First 50,000 gallons: $9.66 per 1,000 gallons or portion thereof.
      Over 50,000 gallons: $6.61 per 1,000 gallons or portion thereof.
   (h)   Minimum Amounts. The minimum monthly charges to users of the Town water system shall be as follows:
                              Equivalent Gallons
      5/8-inch meter         $19.32 per month      2,000 (minimum)
      3/4-inch meter         $28.98 per month      3,000
      1-inch meter         $48.30 per month      5,000
      1 1/2-inch meter      $96.60 per month      10,000
      2-inch meter         $154.56 per month      16,000
      3-inch meter         $289.80 per month      30,000
      4-inch meter         $483.00 per month      50,000
      6-inch meter         $966.85 per month      123,200
      8-inch meter         $1,545.89 per month      210,800
   (i)   Delayed Payment Penalty. The above schedule is net. On all accounts not paid in full when due, ten percent will be added to the net current amount unpaid. This delayed payment penalty is not interest and is only to be collected once for each bill where it is appropriate.
   (j)   Reconnection Charge. The charge for restoring water service previously terminated for violation of rules, non-payment of bills or fraudulent use of water shall be twenty dollars ($20.00) provided, however, that any customer who desires a reconnect outside of normal business operating hours between 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, inclusive, shall be charged an additional service surcharge in the amount of sixty-five dollars ($65.00) per meter connection.
   (k)   Return Check Charge. A service charge equal to the actual bank fee assessed to the Town of Star City, up to a maximum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00), will be imposed upon any customer whose payment is dishonored.
   (l)   Fire Protection Service. The minimum monthly charge for connection to the Town's distribution system for private fire protection service shall be as follows:
      (1)   Schedule No. 1. Effective July 1, 2022.
         Size of Connection               Rate per Month
         3/4-inch (or less)               $8.53
         1-inch                     $14.17
         1 1/4-inch                  $21.25
         1 1/2-inch                  $28.43
         2-inch                     $45.32
         3-inch                     $84.98
         4-inch                     $141.65
         6-inch                     $283.28
         8-inch                     $453.25
      (2)   Schedule No. 2. Effective July 1, 2023.
         Size of Connection               Rate per Month
         3/4-inch (or less)               $8.79
         1-inch                     $14.60
         1 1/4-inch                  $21.89
         1 ½ inch                  $29.28
         2-inch                     $46.68
         3-inch                     $87.53
         4-inch                     $145.90
         6-inch                     $291.78
         8-inch                     $466.85
      (3)   Schedule No. 3. Effective July 1, 2024.
         Size of Connection               Rate per Month
         3/4-inch (or less)               $9.05
         1-inch                     $15.04
         1 1/4-inch                  $22.55
         1 1/2-inch                  $30.16
         2-inch                     $48.08
         3-inch                     $90.16
         4-inch                     $150.28
         6-inch                     $300.53
         8-inch                     $480.86
      (4)   Schedule No. 4. Effective July 1, 2025.
         Size of Connection               Rate per Month
         3/4-inch (or less)               $9.32
         1-inch                     $15.49
         1 1/4-inch                  $23.23
         1 1/2-inch                  $31.06
         2-inch                     $49.52
         3-inch                     $92.86
         4-inch                     $154.79
         6-inch                     $309.55
         8-inch                     $495.29
         (Passed 4-19-22)