The City Public Works Director or contracted Plumbing Inspector has the right to enter upon any premises or into any building within the city at all the reasonable hours, to inspect the sewers and drains and traps and fixtures connected with the sewer. If it is found from the inspection or otherwise that the provisions of law are not being complied with in any respect or that any part of the drainage system is in need of clearing out or repairs, the City Public Works Director or contracted Plumbing Inspector shall serve a notice upon the owner and the occupant specifying the work to be done to make the sewer system comply with the law, or to put it in good working condition. The notice will also specify the time as is reasonable, considering the amount of work to be done and the nature of the emergency, within which the defects must be remedied. It will then become the duty of every person served with the notice to comply with it; and if the notice is not complied with, the City Council may cause the work to be done at the expense of any person so served.
(Prior Code, § 50.13)