(A)   All temporary signs shall require a permit under this section. Required regulations applying to permanent signs shall apply to temporary signs, except where this section specifically provides otherwise.
   (B)   Temporary sign permits may be issued by the Zoning Administrator for use only within commercial, light industrial, Planned Unit Development (PUD), and Recreation/Open Space (R/OS) zones.
   (C)   Temporary signs and sign structures shall be constructed of durable all-weather materials, such as, but not limited to, steel, coreaplast plastic foam-core, alumacore, polycarbonate (Lexan), vinyl, and nylon.
   (D)   Every temporary sign permitted under the section shall be placed entirely on the property of the principal business use which it is identifying.
   (E)   No more than two temporary signs, obtained by a single permit, advertising the same business or entity shall be upon any single property at the same time.
   (F)   The surface area of all temporary sign(s) issued under a single permit shall not exceed 32 square feet of surface area, measuring one side of each two-sided sign. This area shall be in addition to permanent, window, or other signage allowed elsewhere in this section.
   (G)   No temporary sign, if freestanding, shall be greater than eight feet in height, measured from the natural grade at the base of the sign to the top of any component of the sign or sign structure.
   (H)   During any calendar year, temporary signs may be in place no more than 30 consecutive days, and through the issuance of a maximum of three permits issued, temporary signs may be displayed for a total not exceeding 90 days per calendar.
   (I)   Temporary signs shall be set back a minimum often feet from a property line and in no case shall be placed closer than 15 feet from any roadway.
   (J)   In addition to the permit time allowances in this section, a property that has a newly established business may display one temporary sign for 30 days leading up to and/or following the opening date. A property that has a business that is going out of business may display a temporary sign for 30 days leading up to the final date of operations.
(Ord. 2023-01, passed 7-11-2023)
   St. Anthony - Parallel References