(A)   Permit fees. A sign permit fee must be paid in accordance with § 33.060.
   (B)   Application for a permit. Application for a permit shall be in writing on forms provided by the city and must be accompanied by a sign permit fee. The application shall contain the following information:
      (1)   Names and addresses of the owners of the display structure and property;
      (2)   The address at which any signs are to be erected or modified;
      (3)   The lot, block, and addition at which the signs are to be erected, and the street on which they are to front;
      (4)   A complete set of plans showing the necessary elevations, distances, dimensions to fully and clearly represent the construction and the placement of the signs, including dimensions of the wall surface of the building to which it is to be attached and linear footage of the right-of-way frontage of the building;
      (5)   The cost of the sign;
      (6)   Type of sign (i.e., wall sign, monument sign) and if the sign is to be illuminated, the technical means by which this is to be accomplished;
      (7)   Certification by applicant indicating the application complies with all requirements of this chapter;
      (8)   If the proposed sign is along a county road or state trunk highway, the application shall be accompanied by proof that the applicant has obtained a permit from the county or state for the sign;
      (9)   Where a shopping center comprehensive sign plan is proposed, the plan must include the location, size, height, color, lighting, and orientation of all signs; and
      (10)   When a ground sign plan is submitted, the plan must include the location of the sign in relation to the lot lines and the building height, including any difference from the established grade, grade level, dimensions of the berm, size, color, lighting, and hours of illumination.
   (C)   Permit issuance.
      (1)   Each application must be reviewed for compliance by the City Manager or designee.
      (2)   If the proposed sign complies with this chapter, a permit will be issued within 30 days after the application date.
      (3)   A sign permit will become null and void if the work for which the permit was issued has not been completed within one year of issuance, or renewed. Application for renewal will consist of the same procedures as the initial application for permit, including payment of any fee.
(Prior Code, § 155.25) (Ord. 08-002, passed 4-22-2008) Penalty, see § 10.99