(A)   Sign permit not required. The changing of the advertising message of a painted or printed sign, theater marquee, or a changeable copy sign, and the painting, repainting, and cleaning of signs will not require a sign permit, but will otherwise be done in compliance with this chapter and any other applicable law or section of this code.
   (B)   Hazard and hazardous signs.
      (1)   No sign may by reason of its location, color, or intensity, create a hazard to the safe and efficient movement of vehicles or pedestrian traffic.
      (2)   No sign may contain words which might be construed as traffic controls, such as “Stop,” “Caution,” “Warning,” or otherwise resemble any official marker erected by a governmental body or agency, unless such sign is a directional sign.
      (3)   Any sign, signal, marking, or device which purports to be or is an imitation of or resembles any official traffic control device or railroad sign or signal, or emergency vehicle signal, or which attempts to direct the movement of traffic or which hides from view or interferes with the effectiveness of any official traffic-control device or any railroad sign or signal shall be deemed hazardous.
   (C)   Framework of signs.
      (1)   When possible, the framework for the lateral support of a sign must be contained within the sign’s body or within the structure of the building to which it is attached so as not to be visible.
      (2)   The area within the framework of a sign shall be used to calculate the square footage except that the width of a frame exceeding 12 inches shall constitute sign face, and if such letters or graphics be mounted directly on a wall, fascia, or awning, or in such way as to be without a frame, the dimensions for calculating the square footage shall be the area extending six inches beyond the periphery formed around such letters or graphics in a plane figure bounded by straight lines connecting the outermost points thereof.
      (3)   Each surface utilized to display a message or to attract attention shall be measured as a separate sign and shall be calculated in the overall square footage. Symbols, flags, pictures, wording, figures, or other forms of graphics painted on or attached to windows, walls, awnings, or free-standing structures are considered a sign and are included in calculating the overall square footage.
   (D)   Placement of signs. No sign, or attachment to it, may be erected, placed, or maintained by any person on rocks, fences, or trees, nor in such a manner as to interfere with any electric lights, power, telephone or telegraph wires, or the supports thereof.
   (E)   Maintenance. All signs, together with all of their supports, braces, guys, and anchors, must be kept neatly painted and posted. Every sign must be maintained by the owner or person in charge of the sign in a clean, safe, sanitary, and inoffensive condition and free of litter, rubbish, and weeds.
   (F)   Inspections. All signs for which a permit is required may be inspected by the City Manager or designee, and a permanent record, including photographs, may be maintained. The City Manager, or the City Manager’s designated representative, may, after notice to the owner, enter upon any property to ascertain whether the provisions of this chapter are being complied with. The City Manager or designee may order the removal of any sign that is not maintained in accordance with this chapter. In addition, the following inspections will be made.
      (1)   All signs requiring footings must be inspected to ensure that suitable footings as determined by the City Building Official in accordance with appropriate building codes have been used. Footing inspections will be required for all ground signs and pylon signs before these signs are installed.
      (2)   Electrical signs must be installed in accordance with the current electrical code and a separate permit from the Building Official must be obtained prior to installation. Inspections will be required for any electric sign.
   (G)   Illumination.
      (1)   External illumination for signs shall be so constructed and maintained that the source of light is not visible from the public right-of-way or residential property. All external illumination for signs shall have a shielded light source.
      (2)   Any sign illuminated and located within 200 feet of a lot line of a residence shall be diffused or indirect so as not to reflect rays of light into adjacent residences or a street and shall not be illuminated between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.; provided, however, such signs may be illuminated at any time when the use identified by the sign is open for business, unless otherwise determined by the City Council through the conditional use permit process.
      (3)   Any sign or other illumination of the property incorporating LED technology shall adhere to the limitations of § 157.24(G)(1), regulating dynamic display sign brightness.
(Prior Code, § 155.21) (Ord. 08-002, passed 4-22-2008; Ord. 2014-07, passed 12-9-2014; Ord. 2019-08, passed 9-18-2019) Penalty, see § 10.99