(A)   Process. Plans meeting the requirements of § 155.06 shall be submitted by the Public Works Director or designee to the Planning Commission for review under § 155.08. The Commission shall recommend approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Following Planning Commission action, the plan shall be submitted to the City Council at its next available meeting. City Council action on the plan must be accomplished within 120 days following the date the application is filed with the Public Works Director or designee.
   (B)   Duration. Approval of a plan shall expire one year after the date of approval unless construction has commenced in accordance with the plan, unless the applicant makes a written request to the Public Works Director or designee for an extension of setting forth the reasons for it. The Public Works Director or designee shall make a decision on the extension within 30 days. The Public Works Director or designee may grant one extension of not more than 12 months. Any plan may be revised in the same manner as originally approved.
   (C)   Conditions. A plan may be approved subject to conditions related to the requirements of this chapter. The conditions may, among other matters, limit the size, kind, or character of the proposed development, require the construction of structures, drainage facilities, storage basins and other facilities, require replacement of vegetation, establish required monitoring procedures, stage the work over time, require alteration of the site design to insure buffering, and require the conveyance to the city or other public entity of certain lands or interests therein.
   (D)   Security. Prior to approval, the applicant shall execute an agreement in form acceptable to the City Council to construct any required improvements, to dedicate property or easements, and to comply with any required conditions. The agreement must be accompanied by cash or a letter of credit in form and amount determined by the City Council sufficient to secure performance of the applicant’s obligations.
   (E)   Fees. All applications for plan approval shall be accompanied by a processing and approval fee of $150.
(Prior Code, § 153.07)