§ 154.206 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   DEVELOPER. The owner of the property, or a person or entity authorized in writing by the owner of the property to file the applications for the PUD and who will become the owner of the property prior to any development of the property.
   DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE. A committee as appointed by the City Manager or designee from time to time to conduct a review of all development plans for any PUD.
   FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN. A final development plan based upon the preliminary development plan and presented by a PUD applicant as provided in § 154.214(D), and including the requirements set forth in § 154.214(E).
   PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN. A formal development plan in preliminary form presented by a PUD applicant as provided in § 154.214(C), and including the requirements set forth in § 154.214(E).
   PROPERTY. All land included within the PUD.
   PUD. A zoning district and development plan which may include single or mixed uses, and one or more lots or parcels, and which is intended to create a more flexible, creative, and efficient approach to the use of land. Any PUD shall be subject to the procedures, standards, and regulations contained in this subchapter. A PUD SITE must be at least three acres in size, and applications for PUD approval will not be considered for sites of less than three acres.
   PUD AGREEMENT. The agreement to be entered into between the developer and the city to incorporate all term, requirements, and conditions of the PUD approval.
   SKETCH PLAN. An informal development plan presented by a PUD applicant as provided in § 154.214(B).
(Prior Code, § 152.201)