§ 154.182 LANDSCAPING.
   (A)   Existing trees and vegetation. Existing healthy trees and native vegetation on a site are to be preserved to the maximum extent feasible during site development.
   (B)   Landscaping plan. Prior to issuance of a building permit for the development of property in any district, the owner must submit to the city for approval a landscaping plan showing:
      (1)   Placement and height of plantings and decorative features such as fences, walls, berms, and other landscaping features;
      (2)   Species, quantity, and diameter of trees, grasses, and shrubs;
      (3)   Areas to be left in their natural state and areas to be seeded or sodded;
      (4)   Dimension, descriptions, and other pertinent data identifying proposed special landscaping effects such as ponds, rock gardens, fountains, and other similar items; and
      (5)   When requested by the City Council, a grade and contour plan showing elevations at two-foot intervals, or less where necessary, to identify pertinent site data (floor and spot elevations, critical points, drainage, and other items).
   (C)   Prohibited trees. It is unlawful to plant any of the following trees in the city:
      (1)   All elms (Ulmas all species);
      (2)   Ginkgo/Maiden Fair female (Ginkgo biloba);
      (3)   All red or black oaks (Quercus red species);
      (4)   Boxelder (Acer Negundo);
      (5)   Eastern Cottonwood (Populus deltoides); and/or
      (6)   Lombardy Poplar (Populus nigra italica).
   (D)   Planting of trees in right-of-way. No trees may be planted in public rights-of-way, except by permission of the Public Works Director.
   (E)   Dead or diseased trees. If a building permit is issued for a building, all dead or diseased trees and stumps on the lot on which the building is to be constructed must be removed before completion of construction.
   (F)   Berms. The City Council may require earthen berms or other visual or acoustic barriers where there exists excess noise or potential visual blight.
   (G)   Required tree plantings. No less than the following number of trees having a diameter of at least one and three-quarters inches measured one foot above the ground will be planted in the development of any site within the city:
      (1)   Single-Family and Two-Family Districts - no requirement;
      (2)   R-3 and R-4 Districts require at least the following number of trees per building:
         (a)   Up to six units: six trees;
         (b)   Six to 12 units: nine trees;
         (c)   Twelve to 25 units: 12 trees; and
         (d)   Over 25 units: 12 trees, plus one tree for every five units over 25.
      (3)   In the C and LI Districts, the required trees, shrubs, and ground cover will be specified by the City Council based upon aesthetic considerations, the size and type of structure, and the available open space.
(Prior Code, § 152.182) Penalty, see § 10.99