On or before November 15 of each year, the City Clerk will prepare an assessment roll assessing all costs for the special street lighting reported under this subchapter against each separate lot or parcel of land benefitted by the special street lighting, in proportion to the benefits conferred upon the lots or parcels. The City Council will examine the assessment roll submitted by the City Clerk, and if satisfactory, will call a public hearing and levy special assessments for any unpaid charges for the special street lighting in accordance with M.S. § 429.061, as it may be amended from time to time. All the special assessments will be payable in a single installment, or the additional annual installments, not to exceed ten, as may be fixed by the resolution approving the special assessments, with interest thereon at the rate fixed in the resolution approving the special assessments, but not to exceed the highest rate allowed by law.
(Prior Code, § 33.078)