§ 154.179 PARKING.
   (A)   On-site parking. All property in the city must comply with the following on-site parking requirements.
      (1)   Each parking space must be at least nine feet by 20 feet and those in the R-4, B, C, and LI Districts must be clearly marked and outlined.
      (2)   The total area of a parking lot, including all parking spaces, drive aisles, islands, and landscaping must be no less than the required number of parking spaces multiplied by 300 square feet.
      (3)   All vehicles, as defined in § 154.007, parked on any parcel in an R-1, R-1A, R-2, or R-3 District must be parked on a surface paved with asphalt or bituminous material, concrete, cement, brick, or other paved surface, or, if between the front of the principal structure and the public street, on a driveway surfaced in accordance with this section.
      (4)   Any vehicle without a current state registration must be kept in a garage or other building.
      (5)   Minimum number of spaces: this section applies to any new development, or redevelopment that alters an existing parking lot’s dimensions or square footage of the buildings served by the subject parking facility:
         (a)   Single-family detached units must have at least one fully enclosed parking space;
         (b)   Two-family dwellings and townhouses must have at least two parking spaces per unit, at least one of which is enclosed. There must be a fire wall meeting Fire Code requirements separating parking stalls from living space. Multiple-family residential must provide at least 1.2 spaces per bedroom. Housing legally required to be occupied by seniors only may provide a lesser amount based on the services and resident needs of the building as determined by the City Council;
         (c)   Churches, clubs, and restaurants must have a number of parking spaces which is no less than the total designed seating capacity of the structure divided by two and one-half, plus one parking space for each employee on the largest shift;
         (d)   Convalescent or nursing homes must have at least one space for every five beds, plus one space for every employee on the largest shift;
         (e)   Retirement homes must have at least one parking space for every three living units;
         (f)   Uses in the C District must have at least one parking space for every 300 square feet of gross floor area;
         (g)   Light industrial, manufacturing, testing, and research uses must have one space for every 500 square feet of building floor area;
         (h)   Warehousing, transfer, and storage uses must have at least one space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area;
         (i)   Animal hospitals must have at least four parking spaces for every 1,000 square feet of gross floor area;
         (j)   Medical and dental offices must have no fewer than four parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area;
         (k)   The parking requirements in the R/O District will be set by the City Council according to the expected demand for a particular facility; and
         (l)   Fast food, take out, and convenience restaurants must have at least one parking space for every 50 square feet of gross floor area, plus eight stacking spaces for every menu board. Coffee shops with drive-through lanes shall provide no less than 12 stacking spaces.
      (6)   The number of existing on-site parking spaces on a property may not be reduced below the number required under division (A)(5) above, except for nonresidential uses permitted under §§ 154.036 or 154.037, for which the City Council may establish a lower number of on-site parking spaces if the owner has demonstrated that a specific structure and use will not have an adverse effect on off-site parking in the vicinity of the property.
      (7)   Where parking is lighted, the light sources may not exceed 30 feet in height, nor may the light intensity exceed one footcandle measured at the property line.
      (8)   Any parking area or access drive constructed in any zoning district after May 1, 1987 must be paved with either asphalt or concrete, or with pavers of stone, asphalt, concrete, brick, or similar materials. Regardless of the design or manufacturers specifications, all such materials are considered impervious for the purposes of the applicable lot coverage requirements.
      (9)   All parking must meet the city’s grade requirements for proper drainage, and there must be approved curbing around the perimeter of all parking areas except in the R-1, R-lA, and R-2 Districts.
      (10)   Travel trailers, campers, and other recreational vehicles may not be parked in any zoning district for use as a dwelling or for sleeping or housekeeping purposes.
      (11)   As used in this division (A), COMMERCIAL PARKING LOT means any surface used for parking more than three vehicles in any zoning district except R-1 and R-2, including access drives. The construction or reconstruction of any commercial parking lot requires a zoning permit. The owner of any commercial parking lot must maintain it in a safe condition, and the maintenance will include sweeping to control dust, dirt, and debris; removal of snow; and the filling of holes caused by freezing and thawing as soon as practicable. Snow may be stored on the parking lot only if it does not obstruct the visibility of, or interfere with, vehicular or pedestrian traffic in the parking lot or access to the parking lot. Snow storage shall not reduce the number of available parking spaces below the number required in division (A)(5). No snow may be stored on the city right-of-way. All commercial parking lots must be supplied with appropriate trash and rubbish containers which are emptied as necessary. If an owner fails to comply with this division (A)(11), the city may give notice to the owner that the city will bring the property into compliance at the owner’s expense if the owner has not done so within 30 days after the date of the notice. If the owner does not comply within the 30-day period, the city may cause the work to be done, and bill the owner for the reasonable value of the services. If the owner fails to pay for these improvements within 60 days, the city may proceed to levy a special assessment against the improved property pursuant to M.S. Chapter 429, as it may be amended from time to time.
   (B)   Prohibited on-site parking.
      (1)   In the C and LI Districts, it is unlawful to park a vehicle in any of the following areas:
         (a)   Within five feet of a side lot line;
         (b)   Within ten feet of the front property line; and/or
         (c)   Within ten feet of the rear lot line.
      (2)   Where an R-4, B, C, or LI District abuts an R-l, R-2, or R-3 District, it is unlawful to park a vehicle in any location that is not an approved parking space, or provide a parking space on the R-4, B, C, or LI property closer than 20 feet from the R-1, R-2, or R-3 property.
   (C)   Residential driveways. All residentially-zoned properties must comply with the following regulations.
      (1)   Driveway width. Residential driveways installed or modified after the date of adoption of the ordinance shall comply with the following standards.
         (a)   Driveways with a single driveway approach shall not exceed 40% of the width of the lot up to a maximum of 36 feet, whichever dimension is the smaller provided the driveway between the curb and right-of-way line does not exceed 28 feet in width.
         (b)   Circular driveways with driveway approach cuts serving the same lot shall not exceed the maximum 36 feet when both driveway approaches are combined.
      (2)   Driveway setback. Residential driveways enlarged or reconfigured after the date of ordinance adoptions shall be setback a minimum of five feet from the property lines.
      (3)   Required surface material. All driveways and parking areas shall be of a hard surface. Hard surfaced areas shall consist of a durable material such as concrete, bituminous, or pavers, but not including gravel or crushed rock. Any parking space so required or provided shall be surfaced to the full length and width of the vehicle parked on said parking space. Regardless of the design or manufacturers specifications of the proposed surfacing material, all such materials are considered impervious for the purposes of the applicable lot coverage requirements.
      (4)   Parking area. One 400 square foot hard surface parking area adjacent to a garage or driveway for parking purposes shall be permitted. Such area shall not be located in front of the living area of the dwelling. The parking area shall be setback at least ten feet from the corner side property lines and five feet from the interior property line.
      (5)   Permit requirements. All new driveways, alterations, or additions to existing driveways (not including pavement overlay or seal coating) shall require the issuance of a zoning permit. A fee as determined from time to time by the City Council shall be required to process the permit.
   (D)   Residential parking location. On any parcel zoned or used for single-family residential, parking shall be allowed in those locations identified and shown in Figures 152.179-1 and 152.179-2.
(Prior Code, § 152.179) (Ord. 2013-05, passed 11-12-2013; Ord. 2022-03, passed 5-24-2022; Ord. 2023-01, passed 7-11-2023)