The following uses are allowed in an LI District only by a conditional use permit issued by the City Council:
   (A)   Drug, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and toiletries manufacture;
   (B)   Canning or bottling other than malt products;
   (C)   Finish coat applications utilizing chemical or mechanical processes which have the potential for emissions or sanitary wastewater treatment impacts;
   (D)   Meat packing which does not include the slaughtering of any kind of animal;
   (E)   Steel or metal goods manufacturing processes, not involving blast furnace processes;
   (F)   Catering operations; and
   (G)   Adult daycare centers, licensed under M.S. Chapter 245A, as it may be amended from time to time, and Minn. Rules parts 9555.9600 through 9555.9730; or commercial child daycare centers, licensed under M.S. Chapter 245A, as it may be amended from time to time, and Minn. Rules Chapter 9502 et seq.
(Prior Code, § 152.142) (Ord. 2022-02, passed 4-26-2022; Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-9-2024)