(A)   Height. No structure may exceed 35 feet in height or contain more than three stories.
   (B)   Lot area and width. The minimum lot area is 15,000 square feet, and the minimum lot width is 100 feet, except as allowed in § 154.227.
   (C)   Floor area ratio. The floor area ratio within the C District may not exceed one.
   (D)   Front yards. The front yard must have a depth equal to the greater of 35 feet or a distance equal to the average of the front yard depths on the two adjacent lots.
   (E)   Side yards. Interior side yards must be at least ten feet in width, except where a common wall meeting fire code requirements is provided between two buildings. Side yards adjoining a street must be at least 35 feet.
   (F)   Rear yards. The rear yard must have a depth of at least 20 feet, or at least 25 feet if there is an alley.
   (G)   Setbacks from residential districts. There must be a setback area of not less than 20 feet from any property in a residential district within which setback area parking, storage, and/or loading facilities are excluded.
   (H)   Shopping centers. The minimum yards set forth in this section will not apply to any lot line of a lot in a shopping center if the lot line adjoins either another lot within the shopping center or a driveway or parking area within the shopping center, and the City Council has approved a site plan for a building to be constructed on the lot with a different setback from the lot line. In those cases, the setback approved by the City Council shall apply so long as the building exists on the lot. For purposes of this division (H), a SHOPPING CENTER means any group of four or more retail or service establishments totaling a minimum floor area of 75,000 square feet, on one or more contiguous tracts of land in single ownership, or in multiple ownership but subject to a reciprocal easement agreement governing common access and parking
(Prior Code, § 152.124) (Ord. 2022-01, passed 4-26-2022) Penalty, see § 10.99