The following uses are allowed in the C District only by conditional use permit issued by the City Council.
   (A)   Sexually-oriented businesses which comply with the requirements of Chapter 110;
   (B)   A use permitted under § 154.121 except for the fact that it has a drive-through facility;
   (C)   Assembly, club, or lodge in which such facilities provide space for specific purposes, and which is characterized by groups of common interest attending scheduled common activities.
   (D)   Auto or other motor vehicle sales and repair which includes no storage of auto vehicles for parts, subject to and including, but not limited to, the following additional conditions.
      (1)   Outdoor storage of vehicles awaiting repair or customer pick-up shall constitute no more than 30% of the property in question.
      (2)   Outdoor storage of vehicles is located no closer to the street than the rear line of the principal building.
      (3)   Outdoor storage of vehicles awaiting repair is fully screened by a completely opaque fence of eight feet in height, with landscaping outside the screening fence.
      (4)   No outside storage of other parts, tires, or materials.
      (5)   Refuse and recycling containers shall be stored indoors, or within the screened enclosure with the vehicles being serviced.
      (6)   No such use shall be allowed on property abutting and parcel(s) zoned R, Residential, or PUD when used for residential uses.
   (E)   Motor vehicle sales, separate (or as a component of) repair and parts sales, provided that:
      (1)   The facility has a separate indoor space devoted to sales office.
      (2)   The vehicles for sale are fully operational, and not in need of repair for such operation, and licensed, or capable of being immediately licensed, for their intended use.
      (3)   Vehicles for sale may be displayed in the front yard of the property in a location meeting all other requirements of the city’s commercial parking lot dimensions, pavement and curb materials, and setback requirements.
      (4)   Vehicles for sale may not occupy parking spaces required for compliance with the parking standards for employees or customers of the business(es) on the property.
   (F)   Bus stations of the Metropolitan Transit Operations;
   (G)   Car washes; subject to and including, but not limited to, the following conditions.
      (1)   Any such facility is designed to adhere to all noise-related requirements of the city and state.
      (2)   Headlight glare is fully screened from view of adjoining residential property.
      (3)   The facility is designed to be fully closed whenever any mechanical activity is in operation, including both entry and exit doors.
      (4)   Vacuum mechanical equipment is housed within the primary structure, or if in individual equipment outside, is designed so as to avoid noise detection at the boundary of any adjoining residential property.
   (H)   Motor fuel station as a principal use of property; electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and/or other alternative fuel dispensary may be a component of a principal use Motor Fuel station under this section. Accessory EV charging stations (but not other alternative fuels) consisting of no more than two such EV stations shall be exempt from the requirement for CUP, and shall be allowed as a permitted accessory uses;
   (I)   Pool or billiard halls;
   (J)   Hospitality uses, including eating and drinking establishments, hotels/motels, entertainment venues, indoor commercial recreation, and similar uses, where any portion of the subject property is located less than 250 feet from property zoned R-1 or R-2.
   (K)   Establishments having more than three amusement devices as defined in § 114.001;
   (L)   Hardware and building material supply store with outdoor lumber yard, where the lumber yard is screened in a manner approved by the City Council, and the hardware and building material supply store building contains at least 30,000 square feet of space;
   (M)   Laboratories for medical research and testing (except research and testing which uses animals) that provide services to healthcare providers;
   (N)   Pawnbroker businesses which comply with the requirements of §§ 113.35 through 113.99;
   (O)   Secondhand dealers that comply with the requirements of §§ 113.01 through 113.23;
   (P)   Adult daycare centers, licensed under M.S. Chapter 245A, as it may be amended from time to time, and Minn. Rules parts 9555.9600 through 9555.9730; or commercial child daycare centers, licensed under M.S. Chapter 245A, as it may be amended from time to time, and Minn. Rules Chapter 9502 et seq.
   (Q)   Brewery/taprooms and micro-distillery/cocktail rooms, subject to the requirements applicable to other hospitality uses in this section; and subject to findings that show the use will avoid conflicts between the industrial production and distribution activities and other commercial uses in the district through appropriate access, hours of operation, and other relevant factors. Any such use shall at all times be subject to maintenance of the appropriate liquor licensing and size limitations under state and local requirements; and
   (R)   Trade services and retail sales, rental, or repair facilities, such as plumbers, electricians, auto parts, home improvement, hardware, crafts, arts, and similar facilities, in which more than 10% (up to a maximum of 70%) of the floor area is devoted to repair, fabrication, storage, or other accessory activity.
(Prior Code, § 152.122) (Ord. 2022-01, passed 4-26-2022; Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-9-2024) Penalty, see § 10.99