Property in the R-4 District is also subject to the provisions of §§ 154.175 through 154.186, and the following.
   (A)   Building materials and architecture. The applicant for any mult-family structure in the R-4 District shall provide a proposed materials palette, including a plan that shows brick, stone, glass, and architectural metal on no less than 50% of all building walls. Architecture shall include significant articulation in both wall facades and building roofline.
   (B)   Landscaping and site improvements. Any application for a multiple family development shall include a landscaping plan which includes an intensively landscaped site, including usable outdoor spaces such as patios or similar features, structural elements such as gazebos or usable shade, and a variety of trees, shrubs, forms, and grasses that provide an attractive outdoor environment for the project residents, and a visually attractive environment for passersby. Provisions shall be made for pedestrian and bicycle use and connections to surrounding sidewalk, trail, and pathways. Extensions of existing public pedestrian/bicycle routes may be required as a part of any multi-family project. All landscaped areas shall be irrigated. Natural or native landscapes may be incorporated into the planting plan, consistent with city policy and or other applicable regulations.
   (C)   Sustainability. The city will review multi-family residential projects with a consideration for sustainability measures included in the project development. Elements that may be included are charging stations for electric vehicles, storm water treatment and re-use for landscape irrigation, accommodations for sustainable energy provisions, such as roof-top solar or wind, and other measures. The city encourages a creative and affirmative approach to sustainability consistent with its Comprehensive Plan and related policies.
(Prior Code, § 152.05) (Ord. 2021-03, passed 8-13-2021)