A lot in the R-2 District may be divided into two separate lots with the party wall between the two dwelling units acting as the dividing lot line, subject to the procedures and other requirements of Chapters 151, 152, and 153, and subject to the following conditions.
   (A)   The areas of the two lots must be as nearly equal as is reasonably possible, and each lot must contain no less than one-half the minimum land area requirement for a two-family dwelling.
   (B)   Except for having no setback along the common property line, all other setback and yard requirements must be met.
   (C)   No fence or shrubbery divider may be installed or maintained within the required front yard of either lot.
   (D)   Separate services must be provided to each residential unit for sanitary sewer, water, electricity, natural gas, telephone, and other utilities.
   (E)   The common party wall must have the fire rating and sound transmission control rating required under the Uniform Building Code.
   (F)   The owner must execute and record at the owner’s expense a declaration of covenants, conditions, and restrictions in a form approved by the city covering party walls, arbitration of disputes, maintenance of the structure, exterior finishes, land surrounding the building, architectural control, roofs of different types and colors, and the right (but not the obligation) of the city to enforce the provisions of the declaration.
(Prior Code, § 152.070) Penalty, see § 10.99