(A)   Certifications. No final plat may be approved by the City Council without first receiving a report by the Public Works Director and the City Attorney certifying that the proposed improvements together with the agreements and documents required under this chapter meet city requirements, and a certification from the City Manager or designee that all fees have been paid, including all fees of the Public Works Director and City Attorney relating to the subdivision.
   (B)   Monuments. Monuments must be placed at all block corners, angle points, points of curves in streets, and at intermediate points as shown on the final plat before the plat is signed on behalf of the city.
   (C)   Water and sewer facilities. Water and sewer improvements must conform to specifications of the city, and will be subject to inspection and approval by the city.
   (D)   Street grading. The full width of the right-of-way must be graded, including the subgrade of the areas to be paved, in accordance with the standard plans approved by the city.
   (E)   Street improvements. All streets must be improved with pavement or wearing course surfaces to an overall width of 30 feet. All cul-de-sacs must have turnarounds, the pavements of which must have a minimum diameter of 100 feet. Concrete curbs and gutters are to be installed, and each lot will be provided with a driveway entrance. All street improvements must be constructed in accordance with applicable standard specifications approved by the city.
   (F)   Utilities. Utility lines for telephone and electric service must be placed in rearline easements when carried on overhead poles. Where telephone, electric, and gas services lines are placed underground entirely throughout a subdivided area, conduits, or cables shall be placed within easements, or dedicated public ways, in a manner which will not conflict with other underground service. Further transformer boxes must be located so as not to be hazardous to the public. All drainage and underground utility installations which traverse privately-owned property must be protected by easements.
   (G)   Topographic map. The subdivider must furnish the city a topographic map at the subdivider’s expense to conform with elevations and revised for subdivision purposes.
   (H)   Railroad crossing. No street dedications will be accepted which require a crossing of a railroad unless sufficient land is dedicated to provide for approachers view consistent with safety, in such an area as the City Council may determine.
(Prior Code, § 151.06) Penalty, see § 10.99