(A)   Streets. The arrangements, character, extent, width, grade, and location of all streets must conform to the city pattern and must be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, to reasonable circulation of traffic, to topographical conditions, to runoff of storm water, to public convenience and safety, and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land to be served by the streets. The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions must make provision for the appropriate continuation of the streets in adjoining areas. All right-of-way widths must be a minimum of 60 feet unless the City Council deems a different width to be advisable to conform to the other streets in the area. Private streets and half streets are prohibited.
   (B)   Easements. Easements at least ten feet wide, centered on rear and other lot lines, must be provided for utilities, where necessary. They must have continuity of alignment from block to block, and at deflection points, and easements for pole-line anchors must be provided where necessary. Where a subdivision is traversed by a watercourse, drainage way, channel, or stream, there must be provided a right-of-way conforming substantially with the lines of the watercourse, together with the further width or construction or both, as will be adequate for storm water runoff.
   (C)   Blocks. Blocks must accommodate the size of residential lots required in the area by the Zoning Code and must provide for convenient access, circulation, control, and safety of street traffic. Pedestrian crossings may be required by the City Council in locations deemed necessary to public health, convenience, and necessity.
   (D)   Lot requirements.
      (1)   Access. All lots must abut by their full frontage on a public street.
      (2)   Size. The minimum dimensions for single-family lots are:
         (a)   Seventy-five feet at the building setback line;
         (b)   Sixty feet at the front lot line;
         (c)   Thirty feet at the rear lot line;
         (d)   One hundred ten feet in average depth; and
         (e)   Nine thousand square feet in area.
      (3)   Corner lots. Minimum corner lot widths must be no less than 15 feet greater than interior lot widths.
      (4)   Butt lots. Butt lots must be platted at least five feet wider than the average width of interior lots in the block.
      (5)   Side lot lines. Side lines of lots must be substantially at right angles or radial to the street line.
      (6)   Water courses. Lots abutting upon marsh areas, a water course, drainage way, channel, or stream must have an additional depth or width, as required, to assure house sites that are not subject to flooding ground water seepage.
      (7)   Features. In the subdividing of any land, due regard must be shown for all natural features, such as tree growth, water courses, historic sites or similar conditions, which if preserved will add attractiveness and stability to the proposed development.
      (8)   Lot remnants. All remnants of lots below minimum size left over after subdividing of a larger tract must be added to adjacent lots; rather than allowed to remain as unusable parcels.
      (9)   Political boundary line. No lot may extend over a political boundary or school district line.
(Prior Code, § 151.05) Penalty, see § 10.99