§ 153.03 PROCEDURE.
   (A)   Copies of preliminary plat. Four copies of the preliminary plat, along with any additional information required will be filed with the City Manager or designee and a filing fee as provided in Chapter 33 will be paid.
   (B)   Planning Commission. The City Manager or designee will refer the preliminary plat to the Planning Commission for review.
   (C)   Public Works Director. The City Manager or designee will refer copies of the preliminary plat to the Public Works Director and to utility companies for examination and report to the Planning Commission as to existing and required easements.
   (D)   Public hearing. The Planning Commission will review the preliminary plat and related information and conduct a public hearing within 60 days after receipt of the complete preliminary plat. All property owners of record on the city tax rolls who live within 350 feet of the land to be subdivided will be notified by mail at least ten days prior to the hearing. A notice of hearing identifying the land to be subdivided will be published at least ten days prior to the date of the hearing. At the hearing, all interested persons will be heard. The Planning Commission will make its report to the City Council.
   (E)   City Council. The City Council will consider the preliminary plat within 30 days following issuance of the report of the Planning Commission. If the preliminary plat is approved, the final plat may be submitted.
(Prior Code, § 151.03)