(A)   Identification and description. The preliminary plat must use a proposed name which is not the same as, or deceptively similar to, the name of any plat previously recorded in Ramsey or Hennepin County. The plat must show the location by section, township, and range, and any other information as to definitely establish the location of the property, the name and addresses of the owners, subdivider, surveyors, and designer of the plat, the graphic scale, the northpoint, the date of preparation, the existing zoning classifications, the approximate acreage, streets, utilities, permanent buildings and structures, sewers, watermains, culverts, and other underground facilities within the tract and to a distance of 100 feet beyond the tract and the location of catch basins, manholes, and hydrants. The plat must also show boundary lines of adjoining land within 100 feet in every direction and ownership of that land. If requested by the city, it must include topographical survey data.
   (B)   Design features. The preliminary plat must contain the following design information:
      (1)   Streets. Layout and centerline gradients of proposed streets showing right-of-way width and names of streets, alleys, and sidewalks;
      (2)   Easements. Location and width of proposed drainage and utility easements;
      (3)   Drainage. Typical cross-sections of proposed improvements upon streets and alleys together with an indication of the proposed storm water runoff showing drainage from other areas that contribute storm waters to the proposed plat;
      (4)   Lots. Lot numbers, dimensions, and size in square feet;
      (5)   Dimensions. Minimum front, rear, and side setback lines, and street and building lines, indicating dimensions;
      (6)   Public use areas. Areas in addition to streets, alleys, pedestrian ways, and utility easements, intended to be dedicated to or reserved for public use;
      (7)   Elevations. Front and rear grade elevations for each lot; and
      (8)   Additional information. Any additional information as deemed necessary by the city.
(Prior Code, § 151.02)