(A)   Charges based on water usage. All single-family, two-family, and townhouse dwellings will be charged quarterly based upon the number of gallons of water used during the months of January, February, and March of each year, as determined from meter readings obtained by the water meters electronically.
   (B)   Leak or malfunction. The quarterly charge will be based upon the actual meter readings for the first quarter, notwithstanding any leak or malfunction in the plumbing system during the period. If the leak or malfunction occurs during first quarter, the owner is responsible for paying the charges during that period. When the leak is repaired by the city, the quarterly charge will be based upon meter history or the subsequent quarter for which there is no leak or malfunction in the plumbing system.
   (C)   Meter not used in first quarter. If a person becomes the occupant of residential premises during or after the first quarter, and in any other case where a water meter is not in use during all of the first quarter, the quarterly charge will be based on the previous fourth quarter or upon actual usage during the second quarter. The charge will be prorated from the date of occupancy.
   (D)   Water service from other city. The occupants of any one-family or two-family dwelling which is connected to the water system of any other municipality must obtain and submit to the city water meter readings of the type required by § 52.05.
(Prior Code, § 33.016)