(A)   Responsibilities. The Police Department will have the duties and responsibilities given in accordance with the Constitutions and laws of the United States and the state, this code and other official acts of the city. The Police Department, under the direction of the Chief of Police, is charged with the protection of all persons and property within the corporate limits of the city, and the other areas as agreed upon by the City Council or required by law. The Police Department will be responsible for prevention of crimes, accidents, and civil disorders, control of traffic, and general enforcement of this code and applicable statutory laws.
   (B)   Chief of Police. The Police Department is under the supervision and direction of a Chief of Police, who will report directly to the City Manager or designee. In addition to supervising the Department, the Chief’s responsibilities and duties will include, but not be limited to, the following:
      (1)   Control and responsibility for all police equipment, including, but not limited to, its use, care, maintenance, and condition;
      (2)   Maintenance of a complete record of the statistics and other information as will enable the Chief to make a written monthly activities report to the City Council and any other reports as required by the City Manager or designee, by the City Council, and by law;
      (3)   Preparation of a report, to be made annually to the City Council at its first meeting in September of each year, with respect to the condition of equipment and the needs of the Police Department;
      (4)   Preparation of recommendations to the City Manager or designee for the rules and regulations for the operation of the Police Department as the Chief deems desirable to promote effective, efficient, and economical service;
      (5)   Responsibility for the proper training and discipline of the members of the Police Department; and
      (6)   Preparation of an annual written evaluation of the performance of each member of the Police Department.
   (C)   Employees of the Police Department. The Police Department will be staffed by any assistant supervisory employees, deputy assistant supervisory employees, officers, patrol officers, and other full-time employees as are deemed necessary by the City Manager or designee consistent with the budgetary allowances approved by the City Council.
(Prior Code, § 32.43) (Ord. 2009-008, passed 6-23-2009; Ord. 2012-08, passed 10-23-2012)