The following are deemed disorderly conduct and are prohibited:
   (A)   Exposure. Willfully and lewdly exposing his or her person, or procuring another to expose himself or herself, any open and gross lewdness or lascivious behavior, or any act of public indecency;
   (B)   Nudity. Appearing in a street or other public or exposed place in a state of nudity or in any indecent or lewd dress;
   (C)   Abuse of animals. Inhumanly, unnecessarily, cruelly, or wantonly beating, injuring, or otherwise abusing an animal;
   (D)   Defacement of school property. Marking with ink, paint, chalk, or other substance, or posting handbills on, or in any other manner defacing or injuring any public, private, or parochial school building or structure used or usable for school purposes, or marking, defacing, or injuring fences, trees, lawns, or fixtures appurtenant to or located on the site of school buildings, or posting handbills on school fences, trees, or fixtures, or placing a sign anywhere on any school property without the approval of school authorities;
   (E)   Breach of peace on school grounds. Willfully or maliciously making, or assisting in making, on any school grounds or on property adjacent to any school building or structure any noise, disturbance, or improper diversion or activity by which peace, quiet, and good order may be disturbed; and
   (F)   Offensive language and conduct on school property. Using offensive, obscene, or abusive language, or engaging in boisterous or noisy conduct tending to arouse alarm, anger, or resentment in others on any school property.
(Prior Code, § 130.01) Penalty, see § 10.99