For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CANNABINOID PRODUCT. Any product containing nonintoxicating cannabinoids extracted from hemp, including an edible cannabinoid product, that is sold for human or animal consumption.
   CERTIFIED HEMP. The definition for the same provided in M.S. § 151.72, Subd. 1(c), as it may be amended from time to time.
   COMPLIANCE CHECKS. The system the city uses to investigate and ensure that those authorized to sell cannabinoid products are following and complying with the requirements of state laws and this chapter. COMPLIANCE CHECKS involve the use of persons under the age of 21 who purchase or attempt to purchase cannabinoid products. COMPLIANCE CHECKS may also be conducted by the city or other units of government educational, research, and training purposes or for investigating or enforcing federal, state, or local laws and regulations relating to cannabinoid products.
   DELIVERY SALE. The sale of any cannabinoid products to any person for personal consumption and not for resale when the sale is conducted by any means other than an in-person, over-the-counter sales transaction in a licensed retail establishment. DELIVERY SALE includes, but is not limited to, the sale of any cannabinoid products when the sale is conducted by telephone, other voice transmission, mail, the internet, or app-based service. DELIVERY SALE includes delivery by licensees or third-parties by any means, including curbside pick-up.
   EDIBLE CANNABINOID PRODUCT - BEVERAGE. Any product that is intended to be consumed as a liquid and is in the form of a beverage, and which contains a cannabinoid in connection with food ingredients, and is not a drug.
   EDIBLE CANNABINOID PRODUCT - SOLID. Any product that is intended to be eaten and is in the form of a gummie, bar, or similar product, or as an ingredient to be added to other foods, and which contains a cannabinoid in connection with food ingredients, and is not a drug.
   HEMP or INDUSTRIAL HEMP. The definition for the same provided in M.S. § 18K.02, Subd. 3, as it may be amended from time to time.
   LABEL. The definition for the same provided in M.S. § 151.01, Subd. 18, as it may be amended from time to time.
   LABELING. The definition for the same provided in M.S. § 151.72, Subd. 1(h), as it may be amended from time to time.
   MATRIX BARCODE. The definition for the same provided in M.S. § 151.72, Subd. 1(j), as it may be amended from time to time.
   MOVEABLE PLACE OF BUSINESS. Any form of business that is operated out of a kiosk, truck, van, automobile, or other type of vehicle or transportable shelter and that is not a fixed address or other permanent type of structure licensed for over-the-counter sales transactions.
   NONINTOXICATING CANNABINOID. Substances extracted from certified hemp plants that do not produce intoxicating effects when consumed by any route of administration.
   OPERATOR. The person in legal possession and control of a location by reason of ownership, lease, contract, or agreement, for the sale of cannabinoid products at retail.
   RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT. Any fixed place of business where cannabinoid products are available for sale to the general public. RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT, for purposes of this chapter, does not include exclusive liquor stores or residences.
   SALE. Any transfer of goods for money, trade, barter, or other consideration.
   SELF-SERVICE VENDING. The display for sale of cannabinoid products that are accessible to the public without the need of assistance of an employee.
   VENDING MACHINE. Any mechanical, electrical, or electronic, or other type of device that dispenses cannabinoid products upon the insertion of money, tokens, or other form of payment into or onto the device by the person seeking to purchase cannabinoid products.
(Ord. 2023-03, passed 7-25-2023)