For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   3.2% MALT LIQUOR. Any potable beverage with an alcoholic content of more than one-half of 1% by volume and not more than 3.2% by weight.
   BAR. A table or counter where alcohol is stored or prepared and served to customers who sit or stand at the bar.
   COMMISSIONER. The State Commissioner of Public Safety.
   FOOD ESTABLISHMENT. Any establishment providing for table service or self-service of food or beverages.
   HOTEL. An establishment where food and lodging are regularly furnished to transients and which has a dining room serving the general public at tables and having facilities for seating at least 30 guests at one time, and at least 50 guest rooms.
   INTOXICATING LIQUOR. Ethyl alcohol and distilled, fermented, spirituous, vinous, and malt beverages containing in excess of 3.2% of alcohol by weight.
   INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR. Any beer, ale, or other beverage made from malt by fermentation and containing more than 3.2% of alcohol by weight.
   LICENSE. A license granted pursuant to this subchapter.
   LICENSED PREMISES. The area shown in the license application as the place where wine or liquor will be served or consumed.
   LIQUOR. Three-point-two percent malt liquor, intoxicating liquor, and intoxicating malt liquor.
   MEAL. Entrees and sandwiches offered on a restaurant menu.
   OFF-SALE. Retail sale in the original package for consumption away from the premises only.
   ON-SALE. Sale for consumption on the premises only.
   ORIGINAL PACKAGE. Any container or receptacle holding liquor, in which the liquor is corked or sealed at the place of manufacture.
   RESTAURANT. An establishment, under control of a single proprietor or manager, having appropriate facilities for serving meals and where, in consideration of payment, meals are regularly served at tables to the general public, and which employs an adequate staff to provide the usual and suitable service to its guests, and which has a seating capacity for not fewer than 30 guests at one time.
   SALE, SELL, SOLD. All barters, exchanges, gifts, sales, and other means used to obtain, dispose of, or furnish any liquor or wine or any other beverage, directly or indirectly, as part of a commercial transaction, in violation or evasion of the provisions of this subchapter, but does not include sales by state licensed liquor wholesalers selling to licensed retailers.
   STATE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC SAFETY. Individual that leads the Department of Public Safety for the state.
   STATE ESTABLISHED LEGAL DRINKING AGE. For purposes of this subchapter, the STATE ESTABLISHED LEGAL AGE for consumption of liquor and wine is 21 years of age.
   WINE. Vinous beverage created by fermentation.
(Prior Code, § 112.01)