(A)   No service vehicle will be licensed until it has been thoroughly and carefully examined by the city’s Police and Fire Departments and found to:
      (1)   Be thoroughly safe for the providing of any motor vehicle service;
      (2)   Be equipped with a 2AIOBC or larger fire extinguisher, as approved by the Fire Chief, which is properly charged and in good working order at all times;
      (3)   Be clean in appearance and well painted; and
      (4)   Have the operating name, address, and telephone number affixed in a permanent manner on the outer side of each of the front doors of the vehicle or on the side of the vehicle in letters of not less than three inches in height.
   (B)   The City Manager or designee may also require periodic or random inspections of service vehicles after a license has been granted. Any defect found in a service vehicle which may cause a safety or fire hazard must be corrected prior to its further use.
(Prior Code, § 111.115)