(A)   Reportable transactions. Except for items received through consignment, or for which payment in full is made with a credit or voucher redeemable for merchandise from the dealer, every dealer shall report daily, to the Police Department, any recordable transaction in which one or more of the following items is received, regardless of the purchase price, asking price if consigned or brokered, or value attributed to it if accepted in trade:
      (1)   Any item with a unique identifier;
      (2)   Items containing precious metals;
      (3)   Items containing precious gems;
      (4)   Any of the following items for which the dealer paid $25 or more, in cash or other consideration, or which the dealer intends to offer for sale, or broker, for $50 or more:
         (a)   Electronic audio equipment;
         (b)   Electronic video equipment;
         (c)   Musical instruments;
         (d)   Photographic and optical equipment;
         (e)   Electronic office equipment;
         (f)   Computers, monitors, printers, scanners, and computer hardware;
         (g)   Cellular telephones and pagers;
         (h)   Outboard motors, inboard drives, and powered golf carts;
         (i)   Electric and gas powered yard or garden equipment and tools;
         (j)   Electric, pneumatic, or hydraulic powered construction or mechanic’s equipment or tools; and/or
         (k)   Other items that are commonly considered “collectibles.”
      (5)   Sporting equipment for which the secondhand dealer paid $100 or more, in cash or other consideration, or which the secondhand dealer intends to offer for sale, or broker, for $200 or more;
      (6)   Architectural elements, lighting fixtures or lamps, limited to those which the secondhand dealer paid $150 or more, in cash or other consideration, or which the secondhand dealer intends to offer for sale, or broker, for $300 or more; and/or
      (7)   Artist signed or artist attributed works of art, other than architectural elements, lighting fixtures or lamps, limited to those for which the secondhand dealer paid $250 or more, in cash or other consideration, or which the secondhand dealer intends to offer for sale, or broker, for $500 or more.
   (B)   Method. Dealers must provide to the Police Department the information required in § 113.13(B), in writing, on forms approved by the Chief of Police, or the Chief’s designee, for all reportable transactions. The dealer must display a sign of sufficient size, and in a conspicuous place in the premises, so as to inform all patrons that transactions are reported to the Police Department daily. Dealers must submit every reportable transaction to the Police Department daily in the following manner.
      (1)   Dealers must provide to the Police Department the information required in § 113.13(B), for all reportable transactions, by transferring it from their computer to the Police Department via modem. All required records must be transmitted completely and accurately after the close of business each day in accordance with standards and procedures established by the city using a dial-callback protocol or other procedures that address security concerns of the dealers and the city.
      (2)   If the dealer who has consistently reported via modem is unable to successfully transfer the required reports by modem, the dealer must provide the Police Department printed copies of all reportable transactions for that date by 12:00 p.m. the next business day.
(Prior Code, § 111.263) Penalty, see § 113.99