(A)   Application by owner or purchaser. Applications for licenses must be made in writing to the City Manager or designee by the owner of the multiple dwelling on forms provided by the city. The purchaser of a multiple dwelling may apply as the “owner;” provided, however, that any license issued pursuant to an application by a purchaser shall be contingent upon closing the purchase and upon the applicant becoming the owner.
   (B)   Content of application. Applications will include, but not be limited to, the following information:
      (1)   Name and address of owner;
      (2)   Name and address of a person residing or having a business office in Hennepin or Ramsey County, and appointed by the owner as an agent for purposes of notices under this subchapter and for service of process upon the owner;
      (3)   Name and address of any managing operator or agent;
      (4)   Name and address of all partners if the applicant is a partnership;
      (5)   Name and address of all officers and members of the Board of Directors if the applicant is a corporation;
      (6)   Name and address of the contract for deed vendor if the multiple dwelling is owned under a contract for deed;
      (7)   Address of the multiple dwelling;
      (8)   Number and kind of units;
      (9)   Height of the multiple dwelling in stories; and
      (10)   Exterior finish of building.
(Prior Code, § 111.189)