If conditions exist in violation of §§ 95.30, 95.31, or 95.32, the city may order the owner or occupant to have the conditions corrected by written notice to the occupant or to the owner at the address of the taxpayer for the property as shown by the city’s records. The order will require the conditions to be corrected within five days after receipt of the notice, or in the case of sidewalk repairs within 30 days. The notice will state that in case of noncompliance, the work will be done by the city at the expense of the owner and that if unpaid, the charge for the work will be made a special assessment against the owner’s property. If the owner or occupant fails to comply with the notice within the required period, the city’s Public Works Director may have the conditions corrected. The Public Works Director will keep a record showing the cost of the work attributable to each separate lot and parcel and will deliver the information to the City Manager or designee.
(Prior Code, § 94.33)