(A)   Quorum. The presence of three City Councilmembers constitutes a quorum. A majority vote of all members of the City Council is necessary for approval of any ordinance unless a larger number is required by statute. Except as otherwise provided by statute or ordinance, a majority vote of a quorum will prevail in all other cases.
   (B)   Voting. The votes of each member of any question pending before the City Council will be recorded in the minutes except as provided in division (C) below. If any City Councilmember present does not vote, the Clerk will so indicate in the minutes.
   (C)   Vote recording. When the meeting minutes show a resolution or motion was adopted without showing how each City Councilmember voted, it will be considered a unanimous vote in which all City Councilmembers present voted in favor of the resolution or motion.
(Prior Code, § 31.05)