(A)   Application to all parks. The rules set forth in the divisions which follow, in addition to all other applicable sections, will apply to all parks.
   (B)   Vehicle speed. No person shall operate a vehicle in any park at a speed in excess of 15 mph or in a reckless or careless manner, nor shall any person operate or leave standing a vehicle in any park except in areas designated for driving and parking.
   (C)   Fires. No person shall start a fire in any park except in places provided for those purposes, and charcoal is the only fuel permitted.
   (D)   Waste and rubbish. No person shall leave or throw waste materials, debris, or rubbish upon the grounds or water areas of any park.
   (E)   Offensive conduct. No person shall deface, damage, or remove any structure, tree, plant, soil, rock, or other property in any park without permission from the City Manager or designee. Conduct prohibited by this division (E) shall include, but not be limited to:
      (1)   Affixing signs, posters, or advertisements to structures or property;
      (2)   Damaging flowers, trees, or plants;
      (3)   Carrying off rocks or soil; and
      (4)   Knocking down or destroying signs, benches, fences, or other property.
   (F)   Animals and birds. No person shall intentionally disturb, frighten, or kill any birds or animals kept or found in any park.
   (G)   Swimming, bathing, or wading. No person shall swim, bathe, or wade in any pond, lake, or watercourse except in areas designated for such purposes.
   (H)   Trespassing. No person shall trespass in any area of any park protected by signs or enclosures giving notice that use of the area is prohibited.
   (I)   Practice of sports. No person shall play or practice golf, football, baseball, archery, or any other game or sport involving danger to the participants or to others except in areas provided for the activity.
   (J)   Unattended animals. No dog or other animal shall be allowed to go unattended without physical restraint in any park.
   (K)   Permits required. No person shall be permitted to sell any article or service, give any performance or entertainment, or hold any dance, procession, or public assembly without a permit granted by the City Council in the same manner provided in division (N) below.
   (L)   Restricted hours. No person shall remain in or be present at any park, except at lighted tennis courts, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., unless written permission is obtained from the City Manager or designee.
   (M)   Park facilities. All persons shall obey orders or directions of the police or the park employees of this city concerning the manner in which park facilities may be used.
   (N)   Liquor permits. No person shall possess or consume any spirituous, vinous, malt, or fermented liquors, including 3.2% malt liquor, in any park at any time, without first having received a permit granted by the City Council, in accordance with the following procedures and conditions.
      (1)   Applications will be made in writing, at least two weeks prior to the date for which the permit is to be issued, by a person 21 years of age or older who is a resident of the city, or is employed by an employer located within the city.
      (2)   The application will be accompanied by an application fee and clean-up deposit in the amounts set forth in Chapter 33.
      (3)   In granting or denying the permit, the City Council will consider the type and size of the group for which the permit is requested, the extent to which the group involves city residents and their use of city park facilities, the anticipated effect upon other users of the park and adjacent residential properties, the likelihood of damage to park property and any other facts relevant to the health, safety, and general welfare of the residents of the city. The City Council reserves the right to deny any permit or to add conditions to any permit which it grants.
      (4)   The permit will authorize consumption by the applicant and bona fide members of the applicant’s group, as referred to in the application, during specified hours on a specified date, of the beverages specified in the permit. The permit will not authorize the sale or giving of any alcoholic beverages to any person other than a bona fide member of the applicant’s group; and the same shall be unlawful.
      (5)   The applicant will be responsible for the conduct of the group and for the clean-up of any cans, bottles, or debris left by the group. The clean-up deposit will be returned to the applicant only if the city is satisfied that all cans, bottles, and other debris from the activities were properly disposed of or removed.
      (6)   The use of the park facilities will be coordinated through the Community Services Department of Independent School District No. 282.
      (7)   Any permit granted under this section will be subject to immediate suspension or revocation for any false statement on the application, for violation of this or any other code provision, or for other cause.
   (O)   Glass. No person shall possess or use any glass beverage container in any park at any time.
(Prior Code, § 93.02) Penalty, see § 10.99