(A)   Declaration of nuisance. The outside storage on residentially-zoned property of materials, supplies, or equipment not customarily used for residential purposes in violation of the requirements set forth below is declared to be a public nuisance because it:
      (1)   Obstructs views on streets and private property;
      (2)   Creates cluttered and otherwise unsightly areas;
      (3)   Prevents the full use of residential streets for residential parking;
      (4)   Introduces commercial advertising signs into areas where commercial advertising signs are otherwise prohibited;
      (5)   Decreases adjoining landowners’ and occupants’ enjoyment of their property and neighborhood; and
      (6)   Otherwise adversely affects property values and neighborhood patterns.
   (B)   Unlawful storage.
      (1)   (a)   A person must not place, store, or allow the placement of any nonpermanent structures or materials, unless expressly allowed by sections of this code, outside continuously for longer than 24 hours in the front yard area of residential property unless more than 100 feet back from the front property line.
         (b)   In R-1 and R-1A Residential Districts, accessory recreational uses, including appurtenant structures integral to the recreational use, may be located in a front yard, provided that the following apply.
            1.   The use is temporary or seasonal in nature, and does not include any permanent appurtenance, structure, or building.
            2.   The use does not create noise audible beyond the boundaries of the subject property, nor utilize additional lighting, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
            3.   Any such appurtenance, structure, or building associated with the recreational use shall be set back from the property lines and/or right-of-way lines no less than five feet.
            4.   No appurtenance, structure, building, nor any light post or other element, may exceed ten feet in height.
      (2)   A person must not place, store, or allow the placement or storage of pipe, lumber, forms, steel, machinery, or similar materials, including, but not exclusive to, materials used in connection with a business, outside on residential property, unless shielded from public view by a fence.
      (3)   A person shall not use any vehicle, as defined in §152.008, with the exception of an enclosed trailer, as a storage vessel for common household materials.
(Prior Code, § 92.19) (Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-9-2024) Penalty, see § 10.99