The following are hereby declared to be nuisances affecting health:
   (A)   Exposed accumulation of decayed or unwholesome food or vegetable matter;
   (B)   All diseased animals running at large;
   (C)   All ponds or pools of stagnant water;
   (D)   Carcasses of animals not buried or destroyed within 24 hours after death;
   (E)   Accumulations of manure, refuse, other debris, or materials capable of harboring rodents, which shall include the following undomesticated animals: chipmunks, groundhogs/woodchucks, lemmings, mice, moles, pocket gophers, rats, shrews, squirrels, and voles. This definition shall not be read to prohibit intentional accumulations of vegetative materials that are designed and maintained to provide natural food sources for wild birds, nor to prohibit compost structures which are constructed and located in accordance with applicable city code;
   (F)   Privy vaults and garbage cans which are not rodent-free or fly-tight, or which are so maintained as to constitute a health hazard or to emit foul and disagreeable odors;
   (G)   The pollution of any public well or cistern, stream or lake, canal or body of water by sewage, industrial waste, or other substances;
   (H)   All noxious weeds and other rank growths of vegetation upon public or private property;
   (I)   Dense smoke, noxious fumes, gas, and soot or cinders, in unreasonable quantities;
   (J)   All public exposure of people having a contagious disease; and
   (K)   Any offensive trade or business, as defined by statute, not operating under local license.
   (L)   It shall be unlawful to keep, park, store, or abandon any motor vehicle which is not in operating condition, partially dismantled, used for repair of parts or as a source of repair or replacement parts for other vehicles, kept for scrapping, dismantling, or salvage of any kind, or which is not properly licensed for operation with the state, pursuant to M.S. § 168B.011, Subd. 3, as it may be amended from time to time.
   (M)   This section does not apply to a motor vehicle enclosed in a building and/or kept out of view from any street, road, or alley, and which does not foster complaint from a resident of the city. A privacy fence is permissible.
   (N)   Any motor vehicles described in this section constitute a hazard to the health and welfare of the residents of the community in that the vehicles can harbor noxious diseases, furnish a shelter and breeding place for vermin, and present physical danger to the safety and well-being of children and citizens; and vehicles containing fluids which, if released into the environment, can and do cause significant health risks to the community.
(Prior Code, § 92.16) (Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-9-2024) Penalty, see § 10.99