(A)   Incorporation by reference. M.S. §§ 347.50 through 347.565, as they may be amended from time to time, are hereby incorporated by reference and adopted as part of this subchapter. Incorporation of said statutes shall not be a release by the city of any powers or authority which it has without such incorporation.
   (B)   Designation. Police officers or others designated by the City Manager or designee may declare a dog to be a dangerous dog or a potentially dangerous dog as defined by M.S. § 347.50, as it may be amended from time to time. If a dog is declared a dangerous dog or a potentially dangerous dog, a notice shall be delivered or mailed to the owner, informing the owner of the designation, the basis for the designation, the procedures for appealing the designation as set forth in § 91.40, and the result of a failure to contest the designation as set forth in § 91.38.
   (C)   Effect of potentially dangerous designation. The registration requirements and other requirements applicable to dangerous dogs in M.S. §§ 347.51, 347.515, and 347.52, as they may be amended from time to time, shall also apply to potentially dangerous dogs, provided that the owner of a potentially dangerous dog shall not be required to obtain a surety bond or liability insurance policy pursuant to M.S. § 347.51(2)(2), as it may be amended from time to time, in order to obtain a certificate of registration. Violations of M.S. §§ 347.51, 347.515, or 347.52, as they may be amended from time to time, with respect to potentially dangerous dogs are subject to the penalties provided in M.S. §§ 347.54, 347.541, and 347.55, as they may be amended from time to time. Beginning six months after a dog is declared a potentially dangerous dog an owner may request annually that the animal control authority review the designation. The owner must provide evidence that the dog’s behavior has changed due to the dog’s age, neutering, environment, completion of obedience training that includes modification of aggressive behavior, or other factors. If the animal control authority finds sufficient evidence that the dog’s behavior has changed, the authority may rescind the designation.
   (D)   Registration fee. The annual fee to obtain a certificate of registration for a dangerous dog or potentially dangerous dog shall be per fee schedule.
(Prior Code, § 91.36) (Ord. 08-007, passed 12-8-2008; Ord. 2020-02, passed 9-8-2020) Penalty, see § 10.99