Upon issuance of a special multiple dog license, three dogs over six months of age may be kept at a licensed premises upon compliance with the following:
   (A)   Written approval. The filing of written approval of the occupants from at least 75% of the residential property within 200 feet of the licensed premises;
   (B)   Fenced yard. The yard of the licensed premises is fenced in such a manner as to restrain dogs on the premises from leaving the yard;
   (C)   Nuisance. Dogs kept on the licensed premises do not create a nuisance by excess barking or by creating unsanitary conditions;
   (D)   Fee. Payment of a yearly license fee pursuant to Chapter 33; and
   (E)   Denial of application. The Chief of Police may deny requests for renewal of a special multiple dog license based upon complaints received during the preceding year. In the event of such a denial, the applicant may, within ten days of being advised of the denial, request, in writing, a hearing before the City Council on the denial.
(Prior Code, § 91.05)